Friday, October 30, 2015

How To Be An Encourager

An easy way to encourage someone is to offer a genuine compliment.  Did you catch that?  Genuine....  adj. free from pretense, affectation, or hypocrisy; sincere. (for reals)

Back in the day, I used to sell skin care and cosmetics that really liked the color pink!  I was taught wonderful selling techniques in the form of self improvement.  I learned how to be a stronger, more confident, and better person.  The idea of a perfect stranger, being a prospect, was (is) terrifying... but after all, they do have skin (they should be using skin care).  I was instructed to offer that stranger a compliment  as a "door opener" and then hand them my business card with a lipstick sample.  I found that I am a total natural at being an encourager, but I suck at direct sales.  Just sayin'.

You can always find something nice to say about someone, so just do it.  The more you do it, the easier it comes.  Even the shyest person can become comfortable complimenting anyone (family, friend, co-worker, perfect stranger that you might never see again, etc. )

Example:  That awkward moment that you are in the elevator with someone you don't know well or even at all... It's silent... if you are somewhat extroverted, the silence can be unbearable.  Then you notice this person's purse.  It's a lovely black bag with sparkly dangles on it.  "I really like your purse!"  Done!  I really did like her purse.  That was easy to say.  I just told her she has good taste and style.  Her response doesn't matter... in my heart, I hope I've put a little bit of sunshine in her day.
Your co-worker is struggling.  Whether the struggle is health, family, financial... encourage them!   "Thank you for all you do for our team and our office.  You really make a difference."  "You know, everyone that talks to you, really feels welcomed to our office!"  "I know you do a lot for us all, behind the scenes.  Please know you are appreciated!"

It's Christmas Eve.  The clerk at Kohls has been on her feet for 12 hours and shoppers are anxious to get home and enjoy their holiday.  The clerk is feeling the same way.  The person in front of you is generally unfriendly to her.  As she scans my last minute gifts, I truly hope she gets off of work soon so she can be home with her family.  I ask, "Do you have to be here much longer?"  She answers, "I'm here until we close tonight."  I genuinely hate that for her, it's only 5pm, but she's working hard to support herself and possibly a family... "Well I hope the night goes quickly for you so that you can get home to rest."  She smiles.  "Me too."  She did smile... it wasn't a "compliment" but it was an offer of empathy.  Raise your hand if you worked retail at any time in your life, or maybe still do.  It's hard work!

Was that so hard???  Be creative.  Have fun.  Do you know what may happen as you make a conscious effort to encourage someone daily?  This will become a natural part of who you are and you will encourage yourself!  You might even smile more.

Enjoy your day!  And if someone is actually reading this and tries to do this... please let me know how it goes and how it might be changing your life as well.

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