Monday, April 11, 2016

Death By Duct Tape - I hate snakes

So, we were enjoying coffee on the deck one cool Saturday morning, last June.  We were working up the ambition to get dressed and start our Saturday errands and chores.

It started to look like it might rain, so I took our coffee cups in the house and honey and I started to cover our chairs in an effort to keep them dry.

Flashback a few weeks.  We purchased cheap patio chair covers at a store that starts with a B and ends with an S (ha ha, that's funny!).  Anyway, after a few coverings, the covers tore.  So we went to Freds to buy some duct tape to patch up the chair covers until we could get nicer ones (the better ones at Walmart but not until they were on sale).  The only duct tape that Freds had was pink cupcakes and green camo.  I chose the pink cupcakes.  

Back to my story... so I took our coffee cups in the house and then went out to help honey cover our chairs.  When... SCREECH!!!  We both saw it at the same time.  SNAKE!!!!!!!

So evidently I can levitate, because somehow I managed to be standing on the other chair and I don't remember how I got there.

Honey bravely grabbed the broom and quickly threw the chair cover over the deck.  Where we stood looking over to see where the snake went so honey could shoot it.  Keep in mind that our deck is over 20 feet high.

Welp, he went out with his "snake shooter" (a 410 pistol that I know he was kind of excited to use) and came back in and said, the snake is dead!

I was like... "but, I didn't hear a shot??"

Honey said, "I didn't have to shoot it, it was already dead!"

I was confused... "huh?"

Honey continued, "come look at it, I have it by the garbage can."

I hesitantly followed him, but understanding he likes snakes as much as I do, it must really be dead!

So here we stand at the end of our driveway, with our pink cupcake duct tape repaired chair cover with a snake stuck to the tape!  Our neighbor drives up and takes a look and says, "That's a king snake (or rat snake - not sure which he said honestly because you know like... it's a SNAKE!).  You can tell by the checker board belly."  "They are climbers!"

Cool, a harmless snake that eats copperheads... but still a SNAKE!  And one that CLIMBS????!!!!

But he scratched his head and asked us why we killed it with duct tape.


So of course, I had to share the picture on facebook as one of our new adventures up on our mountain and folks on facebook are asking why we killed the snake with duct tape.


So all we can figure is one of the few hawks that lives up here, maybe dropped him as he flew over and the snake curled up in the chair cover, that was on the deck floor, and got stuck and died.  Poor thing.  insert shudder here..

Anyway, that's how you kill a snake that you didn't know was there...

Death by duct tape!


  1. Poor snake! :) i never knew cup cakes were a warning sign :)

    1. Now you know. Ha ha! I'm not sure if that's just a north Georgia warning though. It might just be a Tracy warning.

