Saturday, March 26, 2016

5 Things Only Worry Warts Understand

5 Things only worry warts understand...

Ever wondered where the term worry wart originated?  Me neither, but if you are curious there a few interesting sites to check out.  I think one was called Word Detective.

On my journey to stop being such a worry wart... this is what I discovered about me that I feel may be universal to worriers.  Thankfully I worry much less than I used to, but it's like an addiction or bad habit... so re-wiring my hard drive has been a fun challenge. 

1.  You overthink everything.  Think, think, worry, worry, think, think, dwell.  Snapping out of it rarely happens quickly.  I would spend more time thinking of what I'm worrying about then getting my butt in gear to just handle it.  Seriously, I would feel better when I would just defeat my giant and get it out of my way.

2.  Because you overthink everything, you can't make a decision
It still takes me forever to decide on what I want to eat a restaurant.  Even ones I go to often and I'm familiar with their menu.  Basically I'm indecisive everywhere... for fear of making a bad decision.

3.  You have trouble dealing with mistakes you make.  If I make an error at work, or forget to email someone back, gosh, I  will feel bad about it for days.  Sometimes if a reminder pops back up, It'll remind me that I still feel badly about it, even though I have since accepted responsibility for the mistake and corrected it.

4.  You process situations way too far into the future and have a hard time backtracking to reality, thus causing great anxiety.  This almost explains itself, but about 4 years ago I had a mammogram scheduled and before they let me leave, they took me to a consultation room.  While the doctor was talking to me and explaining what my next steps were, I had already processed that my re-marriage wouldn't happen, I needed to make sure my will was updated, etc.  Then I found myself in the reality of surgery a few weeks later and on my way to being discharged back to annual mammograms rather than every 6 months.  What happened during that break in time that I had worried myself?  I lost a few weeks of my life, worrying about things I couldn't control anyway.

5.  You drive your spouse crazy unintentionally.
My husband is concerned to tell me things because he knows I'll find some way to worry about it.

I must admit, that I have gotten better, I think my husband will agree.  I'm determined to not make this a life long struggle and keep missing out on life because I worry so much.

Coping:  It's been hard, but I have noticed that I will start to worry and the dwelling and processing is much better.  I don't stay in Worryland as long as I used to.  I am training myself to go to the Lord as soon as possible.  This has helped tremendously.  My prayer is for the Lord to help me recognize, as soon as possible, when I am heading to Worryland and to help me seek Him in that dark place and put my trust back in Him, not my circumstances.

Additional Coping:  Sitting and staring at something beautiful is a huge way for me to relax! Listening to music helps me wind down and recharge in a healthy way too.

My Sanctuary (the view from my back deck), when I need to sit and stare!

My parents may have wired us kids to be worry warts, but I'm in the process of rewiring and rebooting my hard drive.  God has been faithful to be with me, even though I'm annoying.  He's also blessed me with a husband who is gentle with me as he understands this is all deep rooted in fear. His gentleness and understanding is helping me be more courageous.

Do you struggle with worry?  I'm so sorry if you do.  What are some ways you cope?  Do you ever feel like you are the only person that really worries this much?

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