Wednesday, April 13, 2016

When We Seek Advice...

The Potter’s House, shared this tweet quoting Dr. Shane Perry Sr.

 "Never take advice from people who haven't been where you are going!"

 I haven't gone back to watch or listen to a replay, but this is a pretty powerful statement.  I think you might also say, "don't take advice from folks that have never walked your path."  Think... getting parenting advice from singles that have never had children, are maybe only children, and won't even offer to watch your children so you can have a date night.  I'm not sure they should be offering parenting advice.  Or even getting marriage advice from folks who have no clue what is really going on in your life or have never been married or have a marriage that you are not interested in emulating.  Everyone is a know-it-all, but not many folks have traveled your same path.     

 But wow... "Never take advice from people who haven't been where you are going."  To me, this says.. in the natural, who do you know that has victory in their lives?  They trusted God and overcame.  Isn't that where you want to go?  Go to them for advice.  You are headed to victory and those that have worked for their victories will be more than happy to pray with you and encourage you.  

 Of course we need to see the Lord's counsel and guidance with His helper the Holy Spirit.  We hope that those we approach for guidance, in the natural, did the same.  

If you are going through a tough time, TRUST GOD.  Memorize scriptures for those moments that your mind wanders from Him and speak them, out loud if you can.  Always use your truth meter and remember what God's Word says.  Never forget how much He loves you.

I think I'll need to find this sermon and listen.  I am almost certain that I am way off out of context of what Dr. Perry intended since it's only 1 sentence that I saw on Twitter.  Perhaps God wants me to hear the sermon and that is why that sentence struck a chord.   

I'd love to pray for you.  Feel free to let me know how.  

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