Tuesday, December 3, 2019

When's the Last Time You REALLY Took a Day OFF?

I evidently struck a chord or a nerve with my Facebook post about a while back.  It's not an eloquent post nor grammatically correct but my fb friends caught my drift and even commented that I was on the right track or they too struggle with this.

I'll share it with you in a second, but I just wanted to ask you, "When is the last time you really took a day OFF?".  Off, meaning, not driving to the office, working on your side hustle, running errands you don't necessarily have the time and energy for on the weekdays, or scraping the endurance to meet obligations.  When is the last time you said, "no."

Or is this just my life?

We now have an empty nest.  But we paid our dues of juggling the job, kid's activities, volunteering, church committees, squeezing in quality time with the family and God, socializing, etc.  I've found that although my actual commitments have decreased, the demands on my time have not.  Whose fault is that?  Well... it's my fault!  

I actually have more time available to pursue, well, stuff that I want to.  But somehow I don't have the energy to do it!  I've also put my dreams and "stuff" on hold for so long, I don't even remember what I wanted to do.

Well time is precious my friends and my time is precious as well.  Not only that, my time is MY TIME, not anyone else's.  The same goes for you friends!  Your time is just that... YOURS!

So what does this mean moving forward?  You guessed it, BOUNDARIES!  Healthy ones at that.  Along with boundaries, I need to set my priorities.  God, Family, Me, Career, pursuit of my dreams, fun, then friends or anything else.  I also need to realize that priorities will change, as I change and grow.  Some things in my life might not come along for that journey and that's okay.  God is the only thing unchanging.  I Can say, "no" and I don't have to offer the reason.  Neither do you!

I don't skip a beat and I try not to complain but I finally crashed and I am now in the have been in a  period of digging my way out of burnout.  This day OFF was just what I needed and after a small taste, I'm craving more!

So here is my post: 

I'd love to hear some comments on this.  Have you found yourself in burnout because you can't say "no" and needing a real day OFF?    

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