Sunday, January 7, 2018

5 Random Facts About Me! - Facebook Live July 2017

This was a live video that I did back in July of 2017.  I was exhausted in the climax of total burnout and unknowingly fighting extremely low potassium levels (which can cause a whole host of serious issues).  I'm faking it fairly well, but I am as nervous as cat in a room full of rocking chairs in addition to fighting extreme fatigue. Going and getting that pedicure, with a friend, about did me in.

I think I could totally do better now as my health improved dramatically once I found out my potassium was low and the doctor discontinued a prescription drug that I was taking in November.  I am thinking straighter and my exhaustion level is pretty normal for anyone who works, takes care of their home, and has a family.  =)

Anyway, here it is.  I might take another opportunity to share more about me soon.  As you'll see, I need to hide for privacy to do things... so ha ha, not sure when I'll get that done.

After you watch, please share a random fact about YOU in the comments!  I'd love to get to know my readers better!
5 Random Facts About Me (link in case sound is off - still learning)


  1. I enjoyed this. Very interesting to learn more about how you and Robert Earl got together. That was sweet. (Oops! I meant BJ!��)
    One thing you may not know about me was I did not marry until I was 33. When my pastor asked if he could visit me, I said yes, that I would like a friend. I fought God, even when I knew I loved Bill. I was not going to marry a preacher. I'm thankful I finally stopped resisting. God truly blessed me!!

    1. Oh Beverly. I'm so sorry I'm just now seeing this. What a beautiful testimony. Thank you for sharing!

